FHS Color guard


The Color Guard is a performing group that aims to provide a visual interpretation of music and create a cohesive and entertaining show. In the fall, this group is a strong visual element of the marching band show. Together, the FHS Color Guard performs at halftime, with poms in the stands at football games, and competes in UIL Marching Band Competitions with The Pride of the Texas Hill Country - The Fredericksburg High School Marching Band. 

In the winter/spring, the Color Guard creates an independent show done indoors with pre-recorded music. This winter guard program provides performance opportunities for its members through competition in the Texas Color Guard Circuit in the greater Austin and San Antonio areas.


Auditions are currently open for the FHS Color Guard. Look over the details below regarding this year's audition process and the mandatory portions of the process. For more information contact Mrs. Graff at jesikag@fisd.org!

Membership is open to current 8th-11th graders who will be attending Fredericksburg High School in the fall of 2024. 

*Results will be posted outside of the FES 800 Gym and on this website/the FHS Color Guard Instagram immediately following auditions. *


Follow @fbgcolorguard on Instagram to keep up with us throughout the year!